Spiritual Care

Do you need Urgent Pastoral/Spiritual Care?
Call 719.428.6211

Family of Christ has a new number you can call to receive urgent care and support. If you, a family member, or a loved one are in need of urgent Pastoral Care, please call 719.428.6211 to leave a message and a callback number. This line is available 24/7 and is monitored by several Staff members. After leaving a message, you will be contacted as soon as possible to receive/schedule prayer, assistance, counseling, or a visit from one of our guest Pastors, Staff members, or an Elder.


When you find yourself in the hospital, we want to know. Whether it's an upcoming, scheduled surgery or an unexpected hospital visit, we would love to send somebody other than a member of your LifeGroup to stop by and spend a few moments praying with you, encouraging you and letting you know you're not alone. 

Request Hospital Visit


The Stephen Ministry is made up of lay caregivers who have received 50 hours of caregiving training that allows them to minister to people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time. A Stephen Minister can meet with you – privately and confidentially – on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage and support you.

More Information


At the end of each service, you can find a prayer team member to pray with confidentially. They are located at the front of the Worship Center. In addition, the prayer team will pray throughout the week for any specific needs you might have. We are always in need of prayer team members, and training classes are available.

Join the Prayer Team

You can also submit a prayer request online, which can be kept confidential or made public and prayed over on Sunday morning during worship services.
Submit Prayer Request